مهٔ 14, 2018
Showcase to Include Latest Features for Lightning Network Integration, Atomic Swaps and Politeia, Decred’s Tool for Timestamping and Storing Data Off-Chain
Value of Decred (DCR) has increased XX% YTD, on the heels of new releases, MIT talk, endorsements from influential investors and profiles in leading trade outlets
New York, NY May 14 2018 — Decred, an autonomous digital currency with smart governance, today showcases the latest updates to its acclaimed blockchain platform. The updates include enhancements for Lightning Network integration, Atomic Swaps and Politeia, Decred’s proposal system, which allows anyone in the community to submit a formal proposal that will be timestamped and versioned in an off-chain repository. The announcement comes on XXX% yearto-date (YTD) growth and on the heels of a recent talk at MIT and endorsements from leading investors and profiles in key industry outlets.
“Decred’s killer feature is good governance, and with good governance, you can have any feature you want,” said Joel Monegro, cofounder, Placeholder & Chris Burniske, cofounder, Placeholder and coauthor of Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond (McGraw-Hill)
“We are moving fast into the next phase of this project,” said Jacob Yocom-Piatt, Decred Project Lead. “As we announced in our 2018 roadmap, we have shortlisted the key areas that our community has highlighted. Speed has been an overarching theme; so has the overall system of prioritizing requests. The endorsement of folks like Chris Burniske and the opportunity to speak at MIT Review’s Business of Blockchain conference makes us only want to work harder to affirm the trust of early investors and attract the attention of people just entering the world of cryptocurrency.”
Decred uses an innovative hybrid proof-of-work (PoW), proof-of-stake (PoS) system to validate transactions, keep the network secure and make decisions on consensus rules.
This new type of exchange removes unnecessary third parties. The result is full control of assets at all times.
Blockchains are notoriously slow. The Lightning Network will allow Decred to scale up its transaction capacity to thousands of transactions per second.
Politeia, our proposal system named after the Greek word for “system of government,” improves upon existing blockchain governance systems by eliminating the possibility of altering historical records.
In addition to a proposal system, Politeia also has vast potential to benefit any enterprise that depends on time-stamped data.