مهٔ 9, 2022
[Chicago, IL, May 9, 2022] Decred (DCR), a sovereignty and privacy maximizing currency, today announced the activation of its subsidy split change to a majority Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model. The consensus change, the first stakeholder-activated update of its kind, modifies the Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake/Treasury block reward split from 60/30/10 to 10/80/10. Stakeholders approved the consensus change in February on Decred’s off-chain proposal system, Politeia, with 92 percent of ‘yes’ votes, to combat malicious miners.
Decred’s governance system allows it to make changes to consensus rules without splitting and forming additional chains This enabled the project to execute the first stakeholder-activated hard fork in April 2017.
“This subsidy split consensus change is incredibly important to Decred because without it, malicious miners will continue to manipulate our markets unabated,” said Jake-Yocom-Piatt, Co-Founder and Project Lead of Decred.
“By reducing the amount of subsidy flowing to miners from 60% to 10% of each block, their primary means of acquiring inventory and attacking the project is substantially eroded. Simultaneously, increasing the staking subsidy from 30% to 80% will increase incentive to stake and make Decred a more attractive asset.
“The change highlights Decred’s ability to pivot and make swift substantive changes to adapt to evolving conditions and threats,” concluded Yocom-Piatt.
Decred prioritizes decentralized governance and in the six years since launching, has decentralized several public utilities in the crypto ecosystem - value storage and transmission; project-level consensus changes; project-level budgeting; privacy; exchange and project treasury.
For more information visit decred.org.
Decred is Money Evolved. By combining battle tested Proof-of-Work with an innovative take on Proof-of-Stake that places coin holders in charge of shaping the future, Decred is able to adapt to challenges and innovate at a rapid pace. You acquire influence in Decred by putting “skin in the game”. Decred’s security, privacy, scalability, and decentralized treasury empower stakeholders and provides them with the tools needed to enhance their financial sovereignty.