سپتامبر 28, 2022
[Chicago, IL Sep 28, 2022] Decred (DCR), a sovereignty and privacy maximizing currency, today announced the release of its decentralized exchange DCRDEX v0.5. Key features of the release include support for Electrum light wallet software for Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin (BTC), and a built-in Decred wallet, making DCRDEX significantly more accessible.
With this release, an LTC-BTC market has become available and ETH support should go live shortly. “These high volume trading pairs will bring awareness to the need for peer-to-peer atomic swap DEX software that can bridge layer 1 chains directly - without auxiliary tokens or chains, without giving up self-custody, and without trading fees,” said Jonathan Chappelow, Lead Software Developer at Decred.
DCRDEX v0.5 includes several new privacy capabilities. The release includes support for ZCash (ZEC), using zcashd. Users who are most serious about privacy can now use their ZEC full node wallet. The latest Litecoin Core software (v0.21) is also supported, which includes private addresses (MWEB). DCRDEX now supports using mixed account configurations with Decred’s dcrwallet and Decrediton wallets, allowing Decred’s privacy features to be used automatically when trading.
DCRDEX remains the only decentralized exchange of its kind, with no intermediary tokens, trading fees, escrow vaults controlled by third parties, or centralized wallet data services. Each trade is a direct peer-to-peer atomic swap, and every component is open source.
The exchange has no traditional gatekeepers. Any project can get its cryptocurrency supported by integrating it onto DCRDEX. “We’re holding true to the set of principles that matter the most to people who take cryptography and privacy seriously,” continued Chappelow. “All trades settle directly on each asset’s decentralized network, without handing over custody of the funds to a third-party or collecting trading fees.”
These properties make DCRDEX much like a bulletin board where users trade with each other and less like a typical exchange where the exchange must take control of the funds.
For more information visit decred.org or dex.decred.org.
Decred is Money Evolved. By combining battle-tested Proof-of-Work with an innovative take on Proof-of-Stake that places coin holders in charge of shaping the future, Decred is able to adapt to challenges and innovate at a rapid pace. You acquire influence in Decred by putting “skin in the game”. Decred’s security, privacy, scalability, and decentralized treasury empower stakeholders and provides them with the tools needed to enhance their financial sovereignty.